Channel Generative AI and Beyond

Hosted by Daniel Nissan, Chief Product Officer and CEO at StructureWeb

12:00pm EST Tuesday, December 12th 2023
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With AI touching every aspect of our personal and professional lives, the world is at one of its biggest inflection points since the internet revolution. And just like past technological transformations, questions about how to understand, manage and master AI still remain unanswered. This is especially true in the channel.


Please join us for our ongoing Office Hours series, which will be spirited, live interactive Q&A sessions hosted by AI expert Daniel Nissan as we dive deep into the opportunities and challenges of AI for the success of the channel in a Web3 era. 

Some of the topics we are sure to cover:

Defining AI
What is generative AI?
How does it really work and who are the main players in the market?
AI Challenges
What are the challenges with AI for the Channel - and how to overcome them internally and externally?
AI Opportunities
How can you use AI to solve channel problems - what does success really look like and how do you measure it?

Meet your host Daniel Nissan:

  • Founder & CEO of StructuredWeb
  • Leading the adoption on GenerativeAI in multiple business use cases. 
  • Technology pioneer with experience in VoIP, eCommerce and marketing automation. 
  • Member of the executive team that invented Internet telephony (VOIP)
  • Co-Founder of NetGrocer - The first online supermarket
  • Leading innovation in the channel marketing space for the past 20 years.

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